They are different from scripted commands. 7 Changing Government by Outright CheatingCheats are console commands that can be used to give unfair advantages as opposed to sole testing purposes. EU4 Console Commands Stellaris Console Commands Victoria 2 Console Commands CK2 Console Commands Age of Empires. Just put any of these commands into the command bar () and your country will now be lead by a: event 60000 - proletarian dictatorship (coup) event 60010 - presidential dictatorship (coup)You can do this with the tdebug console command. Here is a list of events that allow you to change your government type (monarchy, republic, dictatorship).
8.1 General Hints and Tips on Changing GovernmentsGovernments have a number of effects. In a game as complex as Victoria 2, lots may change during the final 2 months. Economic matters of your country every bit as much as the government of.
It affects it directly through Plurality. Third, they affect whether or not you can set the ruling party.Your government itself affects militancy directly and indirectly. Second, they can limit your political reforms, party systems and executive types.
Victoria 2 Change Government Cheat Free Trade Party
You may set the ruling party.The Bad: Plurality increases militancy! Setting the ruling party adds 2 militancy and consciousness to all POPs!Trade Unions: None, Non-Socialist, Socialist (!), All Allowed.The Good: You may set the ruling party. Absolute Monarchies are the only governments capable of choosing None!Executive Type: Laws by Decree, HMS Government, Parliamentary.The Good: You can choose to become either a Constitutional Monarchy or a Democracy. You cannot ban public meetings, making your crime fighting less effective (and giving you one less way to appease conservatives).Voting Rights: None, Landed, Wealth, Universal Sufferage.Political Parties: None, Right to Ban, All Allowed. You may end up with a pacifist party in the great war, or a free trade party when your income comes from tariffs.
Once the right reforms are in place, an event will pop up automatically on the 1st of the month that changes your government type. That's right, it's free! (Remember that Democracies cannot set the ruling party)Banning parties seems to be free regardless of your executive type.Political reforms allow you to change the government to a more democratic one. But that isn't true! Instead, the Government type determines how the ruling party is chosen, while the Executive branch determines how much it costs to set the ruling party.Law by Decree Executives add 2 militancy and consciousness to all your POPs every time you set the ruling party!HMS Government Executives add 1 militancy and consciousness to all your POPs every time you set the ruling party.Parliamentary Executives add 0 militancy and consciousness to all your POPs when you set the ruling party. You cannot set the ruling party, because you have only one.According to the game manual, the executive branch determines how the ruling party is chosen. Some Presidential Dictatorships have a Parliamentary executive, which makes setting the ruling party free.Trade Unions: None, Non-Socialist (!), Socialist, All Allowed.The Bad: Plurality increases militancy.
You cannot become a constitutional monarchy by giving your citizens universal sufferage (!).There seems to be no way to peacefully become a Monarchy, Proletarian Dictatorship or Presidential Dictatorship through reforms. Freedom of the Press isn't required (and can be used to decrease the militancy of aristocrats, officers and clergy).Monarchies (only) can become Constitutional Monarchies with a Multi-Party System and HMS Government by having the Public Meetings and either Landed or Wealthy voting rights reforms. Before v1.03, Constitutional Monarchies could become Democracies by choosing the Universal Sufferage voting right.As of v1.03, Communist or Reactionary ruling parties can revoke some political reforms in a Constitutional Monarchy or Democracy - even elections themselves! Doing so will not change your government type, but will affect militancy (some would call this a small price to avoid electing a pacifist party in the middle of the great war.).Monarchies, Proletarian Dictatorships and Presidential Dictatorships can become a Democracy with a Multi-Party System and Parliamentarism by having the Universal Sufferage, Free Parties and Public Meetings reforms. You can safely give your people any political reform without changing government types if you turn public meetings off.Democracies and Constitutional Monarchies cannot change their government through reforms.As of v1.03, Constitutional Monarchies do not change militancy with plurality, so you're not totally screwed if you become a Constitutional Monarchy instead of a Democracy (since there is no way to become a Democracy as a Constitutional Monarchy). Your Executive type doesn't change this. Not every government can change every political reform every government has at least two reforms that are banned.